Mar 25

I Am Content

Guess I am content to be a racist monster, then. Despite the fact that I don’t want millions of white people to just up and immigrate, either. These days, it is possible to be racist against white people even if you are white, I guess. We do indeed live in strange times.

Some people want every country to fall apart rather than just a few of them. Seems smart to me.

This, though, is dead on:

Mar 25

Memory Work

Exercise adds up to big brain boosts.

I can feel it. I know it’s bad these days to talk about IQ, but I think I’d probably do 5-7 points better an on IQ test these days than I would have a year go.

And as the article discusses, my memory has also improved a great deal. I noticed that it had declined a bit since high school, where I had an absurdly great memory (I once memorized the entire periodic table in a weekend). Since working out heavily I don’t think it’s quite back up to that level but in cramming for a certification test recently, I noticed I had to study much less than I did a few years ago to memorize similar material — about half the time.

Nice to know that the cognitive benefits accrue over time.

Mar 25


Another usage change I’ve observed recently is “wrecking havoc” instead of “wreaking havoc.”

Kind of makes sense. Where else do we use “wreaking,” unless you’re me? Nowhere. Although “wrecking havoc” doesn’t parse all that well, it’s more familiar than the older usage.

Mar 25


Expect to see vegan and vegetarian foods pushed hard in the near future. Big ag companies have realized they can charge far more for those products than meat-based ones, and they cost vastly less to produce.

Companies go where the profits are. They care about nothing else, and no, this won’t save the planet etc.

Mar 24


I agree. Here I quote my own bad self.

Rationality — to the extent that we engage in it — is our hoodwinking engine being repurposed from deceiving, manipulating and managing others to an attempt at understanding the mind of the universe. (And no, I don’t mean some wishy-washy conception of “universal mind.” I mean that our minds are engaging in animism about the universe as a cognitive tool.)

Of course, I got the idea from Peter Watts and modified it a bit. Not many new ideas out there, really. But intelligence and rationality had to evolve from something. Most likely we got to it via that path.

Mar 23


Yep. I have twice as much energy (or more) now since I started working out heavily again. And losing weight a decade ago boosted my energy a great deal, too. I didn’t realize how sub-optimal I felt in either case until I made the change and then I was like, So, that’s how a person is supposed to feel. Huh.

Never been one to sleep much, but I also require less sleep now. Down to about 3.5 hours a night now, with no ill effects and much more alert than I was a year ago.

Mar 23


While it’s not healthy being anorexic, the thing is, that being 170 pounds as a short-ish woman catches up with you eventually. That’s a BMI likely somewhere in the 32-35 range. It might not lead to anything now, but wait till you’re 50, then enjoy the diabetes — especially as women in particular tend to gain even more weight post-menopause.

These people who are programmers and other STEM types have remarkably poor reasoning skills and understanding of statistics and probabilities.

Almost no one who claims they are “starving themselves” really does that, by the way — people are absolutely terrible at self-reporting food consumed. Like, so bad at it it’s kind of funny in a weird way. Because if you do actually starve yourself, you will fucking lose weight. I guarantee it. Let me control your food intake and you’ll be dropping weight like nobody’s business.

Ceteris paribus thinness == healthier. This is not a bad first-pass heuristic. Not always, but the statistical correlation is extremely high, and the correlation only increases as you get older. Being young and fat seems fine. Right up until it isn’t and then it’s too late.

Also, if you feel better at 170 just means that you sit on your ass all day and don’t do much and don’t eat correctly, and don’t exercise much at all. That’s just generally true of most Americans and I have no doubt it’s the case here. Of course it feels better to continue in inertia and poor health. Doing nada is always easier than making the effort.

Most people are massive bundles of delusion and self-justification. I want no part of that shit.

Mar 23


Poor little centrists and pseudo-liberals, all you Marcottes and wanna-be Marcottes, the Mueller report turned out to be as much a nothing as everyone knew it would be. Well, everyone but you.

I would feel sorry for you but feeling sorry for raving idiots just isn’t in my retinue of behaviors.

Mar 22

Weak and Pitiful

My father told me more than once that I was weak, pitiful and had no ambition and wouldn’t amount to much. Was quite a theme. (Funny all that coming from him, but projection….)

I became a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division and am now the CTO of a small company.

You really called it, dad.