Mar 27

The Dirty Secret

The dirty secret of calculus is that most people who take and pass calculus don’t actually understand calculus. They just memorize the 100 or so common cases and formulae, recognize those in the problem sets, transform those into what they know, and solve programmatically without comprehending what they are doing even a little bit.

To be fair, I think the above is true of most of education, not math alone. But it’s kind of funny all the people who claim to be superior intellects because they can solve a canned problem — yet they can’t think their way out of a paper bag when it’s not pre-digested and can’t at all handle a real-world problem that has no answer in the back of the book.

Mar 27


What kind of wack-ass dipshit thought that I’d ever want a website to send me notifications of anything?

Mar 26


Exactly. If you know no history, not only are you doomed to repeat it, you are also doomed to looking like a huge dumbass the entire time.

Mar 26


If the interests of future generations were considered on an equal footing with those now able to vote and alive, something ten times more efficacious than the Green New Deal would already be in place, fossil fuel usage would be completely banned, and the world would already be radically different than it is.

Greta Thunberg is the only true climate realist in the public eye at the moment, because she knows climate change is likely to kill her.

Mar 26


I finally found the book and thus the series I’d been attempting to re-discover!

It is the Joe Ledger series by Jonathan Maberry. I’ve only read the fifth book in the series (Extinction Machine) so far but will likely read all the rest of them now.

I had unknowingly read an entirely different series (the Rot & Ruin one) by this same author between reading Extinction Machine and then attempting to find it again. (I read a lot of books.) But after all these months of searching off and on I am glad to have discovered it again.

Mar 26

Shallow Thinking

That something — like the nation-state — is a “relatively recent development” says nothing about it at all, qualitatively or morally. Washing your hands before you slice into someone on an operating table is a relatively recent practice, too. Should we also stop doing that?

I despise this sort of shallow thinking. It’s not really thought at all. It’s confirmation bias combined with shoddy ideation combined with pollyanna-ish wishful thinking.

About the nation-state specifically, I am not certain that it’s the best way to organize a society or a polity either. Perhaps there are better ways and we should almost certainly be looking for those ways. However, I’d never abdicate my responsibility to consider this sort of problem deeply, all just so that I could have some sort of mood affiliation with what makes others feel righteous and equanimous in their vacuous thought bubbles.

Mar 26

Copy Wronged

Europe Adopts Tough New Online Copyright Rules Over Tech Industry Protests.

This is going to backfire in a huge way against the copyright industry. While I’m no supporter of the tech companies, they are in the right here. This will hurt authors and musicians and will help big companies at the expense of everyone else.

Expect the internet to be even more censored, even beyond the dreams of the most censorious liberal thoughtcrime enforcer.

Mar 25

I Am Content

Guess I am content to be a racist monster, then. Despite the fact that I don’t want millions of white people to just up and immigrate, either. These days, it is possible to be racist against white people even if you are white, I guess. We do indeed live in strange times.

Some people want every country to fall apart rather than just a few of them. Seems smart to me.

This, though, is dead on:

Mar 25

Memory Work

Exercise adds up to big brain boosts.

I can feel it. I know it’s bad these days to talk about IQ, but I think I’d probably do 5-7 points better an on IQ test these days than I would have a year go.

And as the article discusses, my memory has also improved a great deal. I noticed that it had declined a bit since high school, where I had an absurdly great memory (I once memorized the entire periodic table in a weekend). Since working out heavily I don’t think it’s quite back up to that level but in cramming for a certification test recently, I noticed I had to study much less than I did a few years ago to memorize similar material — about half the time.

Nice to know that the cognitive benefits accrue over time.