May 31


People who think Covid is going to collapse society: LOL

The fucking Black Death didn’t even collapse society though it did change it immensely. To be perfectly frank, a relatively-mild virus that mainly kills old, fat people ain’t collapsin’ shit.

May 31


I’ve started taking screenshots of things like this (and wish I’d started earlier) because even a few friends have told me stuff like this doesn’t/didn’t happen:

When it’s pretty common among the Covid panickers. Just wish I had screenshots of the people talking about how it was racist to social distance, etc., at the beginning of the pandemic. Strangely, these are now the ZeroCovid/Covidian people.

May 31


It is extremely interesting how quickly the narrative shifts, and how head-snappingly rapidly the old one is erased — and if you bring it up afterward, it becomes a “conspiracy theory.”

May 31

Type of Files

File types that will probably still work in 100 years:

  • PDF
  • JPG
  • BMP (merely because it’s easy to build a decoder for comparatively)
  • WAV (same as above)
May 31


I think Velina here is one of the few who understands what Putin is attempting to do in Ukraine and his larger strategy:

Putin has very successfully conned most of the PMC libs into believing some wildly incorrect things (or, they have conned themselves) and they are very reluctant to let go of those ideas. But Velina knows what the hell is up.

May 31

Gen Pop

Turns out a whole lot of “liberals” are totally fine with ethnic cleansing and genocide as long as it’s against people who look white.

Huh. Fancy that.

May 30


The whole cast was just great in that film. Say what you want about Tarantino, but he always gets the fucking most out of his actors. I don’t know how he does it, but damn he does. Actors that are mediocre in other films are always outstanding in his works.

May 30

Not Yet

My “I have not yet authorized a nuclear strike” shirt is gonna raise a lot of questions that are already answered by my “I have not yet authorized a nuclear strike” shirt.