Jun 22


For me it was simply: not being fucking sleepy. If I had been sleepy, I would’ve been fine with going to bed.

Jun 22


A lot of this is just anger that societal alterations that the Covidians thought would occur didn’t, so they have to make up bogus stats about Long Covid being civilization-ending. And most “Long” Covid will be “Medium” or “Short” Covid, just like other similar viruses.

Jun 22


This is all really on the ZeroCovid clowns whose dogmatism and singular push toward something impossible torpedoed the chances of anything else being done.

Jun 22


Fucking idiots like Ian Welsh (et al.) are making it seem like an international crime that Lithuania is not allowing goods bound for Russia to transit its borders.

Here’s the thing: Lithuania is a sovereign country and can allow whatever the fuck it wants to enter its boundaries. Or not, as in this case. Imagine that Japan was at war with Germany for some reason, and Japan attempted to ship goods across the US. We tell them, “Nope, can’t do that.”

Does Japan have some sort of right, some sacred duty, to be able to move goods through the US to eventually reach the German theater? No it does fucking not. The same is true with Lithuania, or any country. No duty at all to allow anything into its borders. That’s what being a “country” means.

Welsh and his kooky coterie are enormous hypocrites here because they so badly want Russia to rise up and…do something? Not sure what. But it’s sad that I ever relied on these people for intellectual probity or clarity.

Jun 21


One member of my team is going to apply for an open position in the company (anyone can), but before she did, wanted to make sure I’d still be her boss if she went for it.


Jun 21

De Putz

Agreed. That means we are very fucking rich and it’s great. We can do better in many areas, but having goods to purchase and enough food is fucking awesome. De-growthers are putzes.

Jun 21


“It’s impossible to not weigh 400 pounds because the food companies told me to eat a lot” is not the winning argument that many Fat Acceptance types think it is.

Jun 21


Landmine Goes Click.

Jun 21


Getting massively hotter over the course of four years has really decreased my opinion of people, even as I reap the boons and benefits of being treated better and more respectfully everywhere. It just shouldn’t matter so much, especially in contexts where it’s completely irrelevant.

But it does. I like and hate that I can stroll into a place and get what I want so much more easily now. A lot of women act like giggly messes around me and help me even when I don’t want to be helped. At the same time, men treat me less like an annoyance and more like someone to kowtow to.

It’s not really right or fair, though. And it bothers me even as I benefit from it.

Jun 21

Shark in Latin

Oh shit, I’d totally forgotten about that. Before 9/11, things weren’t perfect, but they were better in many ways.