Jul 24


Some waitress when I was in the army gave me sparkling water and I had no fucking clue what it was, either. It also tasted like garbage and I could not drink it. I believe Vance’s story; when you grow up in hick areas with no culture, you don’t see much and only know what you read about.

PMC libs don’t realize it but they have the same problem — they don’t buy any story that does not reflect their also-very-limited PMC upbringing.

Jul 24


This was just to keep people from casually yoinking your disks in the office or even at home. They were pretty expensive back then and not that easy to replace.

Jul 24


You can tell a lot of people on Reddit are really, really young because they are eager to declare any story “fake,” even many things that are extremely common. Everything seems unlikely when you’re 15 and your life experience consists of going to a boring suburban upper middle class school day after day.

Jul 24

Drama Mine

Are ‘confrontational’ jobs/industries really like they portray them in the movies?

No movies are accurate, because of the need to emphasize and focus on drama. For instance in movies about the military, stuff that happens 1% of the time is 95% of the film. This is just as true of other fields and industries. Movies aren’t completely apart from real life, but are always, always condensations and intensifications of life while mostly omitting the quotidian.

Jul 24


I really do think 99.99% of people who talk about how Israel is uniquely terrible actually do just hate Jews and wish for their extinction. The antisemites just have a convenient cover for it that Israel has committed to defending itself, as any country would.

Jul 24

Boy Vic

I got into a fist fight with the woman who SA’ed my husband when he was a kid.

I bet this sort of sexual abuse by women is far more common than reported. I personally have known three men who were sexually abused as kids by women 25-50 and I don’t know that many people.

But the story is that women never do this sort of thing and that boys can’t be victims. Thus, this kind of abuse is vastly, vastly underreported. And if you do report it, generally no one cares. Feminism has failed both women and men.