Jul 26

Abused Own

I think for women at least, tattoos are primarily gotten by those who’d be cutters but want some more socially-approved method of self-abuse and self-nullification.

For men, I am not quite sure. Status something or other most likely, but I have less insight into men.

Jul 26


I’m not sure it’s healthy, but I spend most of my day thinking about the war that is and the war that is coming. I want to understand how it’ll be and be ahead of the curve. I usually am and this time will be no different.

Too bad no one listens to me. I am too prickly for that, I guess. Ah well. I still like being right, even if it’s being right alone.

Jul 25

No Tac

After one of the largest attacks in the direction of Kurakohiv, the Russians tried again with 3 tanks and 13 BMPs.

Warning: people definitely die in this video, and there is a bit of gore.

That said, it is worth watching to see how incredibly terrible the Russian tactics are. What was even the purpose of that? A poorly-organized armored assault in broad daylight across an open, flat area with no artillery support, no CAS, and just nothing that any combined arms units should ever, ever do?

These people have no fucking clue what they are doing. None. This is just spamming meat waves and hoping the Ukrainian defenders are too tired of a turkey shoot to do anything.

Jul 25

Good For

We are already at war with Russia de facto and will be with China soon enough. And we are not fucking ready.

Jul 25


I agree about the FPV drones and drones in general. I too saw that video mentioned. That Russian soldier was clearly already injured, but not that wounded as he was ambulatory and walking fairly normally.

Still, once he knew a drone was onto him he immediately shot himself through the heart. I guess he calculated it was better to die without much suffering rather than dying slowly and painfully with his limbs blown off or guts torn open, which is I am sure how he’d experienced the demise of his comrades. (And don’t tell me this does not happen; I have personally watched 500+ videos of this very thing happening.)

All war is horrible and terrifying, but drone war is many levels worse than the normal horror.

Jul 25


No matter what motherfuckers tell you, it’s infinitely better to be strong, smart, slim and rich than weak, dumb, fat and poor.

Anything else is just cope.

Jul 25

Oh Be

If it weren’t for clownish behavior, most people would have no behavior at all.