Jul 23

Phoned Out

It’s probably the phones.

The evidence is completely unambiguous and quite clear, especially since it’s happening all across the world. The only ones who don’t want to believe it are those who want to protect their own fix and can’t let their addiction go.

When you see an international trend like this, chances are that it’s neither cultural nor political in origin. It’s most likely technological. And smartphones plus social media are the most important technology that has changed teenagers’ lives around the world over the past decade.

Ex-fucking-actly, propaganda victims.

A recently published RCT by Schmidt-Persson et al. in Denmark found that having both young people and adults exchange their smartphones for flip phones resulted in major improvements in their reported well-being, a decrease in reports of negative emotions and difficulties with their peers, an increase in prosocial behavior, fewer behavioral issues for kids, and even more exercise.

Oh-so-many people hate that their “convenient” smartphones are actually portals to hell, but that’s the way it is, motherfuckers. Deal.

Jul 23

Down With The

Everyone is sick at work now, I’m the cause since I wasn’t allowed to call out.

I’m always surprised by how fucking idiotic American companies are about this. They’re perfectly willing to have the sick infect everyone else. The weird thing is that it causes direct self-harm to the company doing this. A lot of policies, they harm society in general but benefit the corporation itself.

But this practice is an odd one because it harms everyone for no benefit at all, least of all to the company that greatly reduces its own productivity by spreading the plague merrily around. It just makes no sense at all but seems to be primarily about cruelty and subservience.

Jul 23


Cracksmoking econs will try to come up with all sorts of wacky bullshit to “prove” that housing is not more expensive than it was forty years ago. Some greatest hits:

1) If you move to Cow Fart, Iowa, houses are very cheap! (Caveat: There are 1,800 people and four jobs in Cow Fart. Total.)

2) If you bought a house in 1960, it would’ve been 900sf and now you buy a house that is 2200sf. See! (Never mind there are almost no new 900sf houses constructed now.)

3) A perennial favorite: If you didn’t eat all that avocado toast, you could afford five houses by now!

4) Young people just don’t want to own houses. They love forking over half their income to a landlord. It’s what they live for.

5) Quality has improved so vastly much that a 2024 house is certainly worth 4x as much in real dollars as a 1970 house, from some figures I just pulled out of my ass!


And that data only goes to 2017; it’s gotten tons worse since then. And that’s the real deal, not some economist’s fairy tale.

Jul 23


Wow. It loses some of the urgency of the original, but also has better musicianship. Great cover.

Jul 22


Girl Lonely: The top 1% guys you’re interested in don’t pay attention to you or want you.

Guy Lonely: No one anywhere of either sex pays attention to you, knows you exist, or cares at all. If they do acknowledge you it’s to be sure to let you know you are worthless and disposable.

Quite the difference there.