Mar 19


Turns Out That Trillion-Dollar Bailout Was, in Fact, Real. A new Washington Post piece fudges the history of the 2008 financial crash.

The “who could have known?” and “there was no bailout” account almost won, and it’s still a battle that’s being fought over controlling that narrative. If it can be denied that the problems were not capable of being known and that there was no bailout, it’s much more likely that the banksters will get the same treatment again.

Mar 19

Not To Slam

Fiber doesn’t use a DSLAM. That is only for DSL. Typically, fiber use an optical splitter in a fiber distribution hub at a neighborhood node that then gets aggregated into a multi-fiber cable that goes back to the central office. This is called a PON or Passive Optical Network. It’s vastly cheaper than having an active fiber switch in the local node that then goes back the CO that would then require much more cable. (The latter is often how business fiber with high SLAs and guaranteed bandwidth is configured, though.)

In fact, PONs often use multiple, tiered optical splitters to more cheaply get fiber to more homes. PONs do have advantages, though — it’s passive so requires no power along the signal path which makes it again cheaper and potentially more reliable.

But no DSLAM in sight.

Mar 18

Total Data Loss

People are always surprised and shocked when data is lost from some cloud service, either by negligence or intent.

And I’m like, motherfucker what did you think was going to happen?

She understands. Most people do not. There are people who think (some in that very thread) that Google, Facebook and Amazon will be functionally eternal. They won’t be. I’d give Google maybe 20 years. Facebook perhaps 10-15. And Amazon 30 or so, and then they’ll be gone.

Mar 18


Well, Win10 doesn’t crash all the time at least, but it’s about as reliable as a 1977 Ford Pinto in that it’s unpredictable as it reboots without user control, updates break things constantly, and you never know when features are just going to disappear. And there is all the data thievin’.

It’s a joke OS, fit for droolers only.

Mar 18


Shows just how clueless most of the left is. Foot-shooting is what they do best, though, isn’t it? Kind of the left’s speciality. That, and circular firing squads.

Mar 18


Indeed. Someone averred that The Hunger Games was so very unrealistic; meanwhile, the Holocaust is a real thing that occurred on this planet in living memory, 50,000+ die from opioid overdoses a year, mass shootings are common, lack of health care kills tens of thousands more, we drone bomb people daily, and climate change is fairly likely to make the entire human race go extinct.

Their notion of realism is severely, severely fucked.

Mar 18

Weight of Responsbility

Death of the calorie.

The article is not that bad, as such articles go, but the diet advice that most people get truly is. But to clear one thing up, factually speaking, if you eat less than you burn you will lose weight. I know because I did it so don’t tell me anything else.

But you can’t trust calorie labels. As the article points out, most are wrong. What you have to do is to monitor what you eat assiduously and then respond to your body regardless of the labels. I guess this is a non-idiot version of intuitive eating that’s actually concerned with health rather than giving someone an excuse to eat that third slice of cake.

As I’ve already said, I never counted calories when I lost weight. At first, I cut my consumption in half and just watched what happened. Unsurprisingly, I lost a lot of weight. In fact, too much weight. Then I started eating a bit more until I got to a weight I wanted to be (in the 150-155 range). Now, I weigh a bit more but that’s because I have vastly more muscle and I am trying to put yet more on.

Also, even if you are not weightlifting, eating a lot of protein and fat is much more likely to leave you satiated for longer than eating a lot of foods with sugar and carbs. Also, avoid processed foods and buy the highest-quality food you can afford. Makes it vastly easier to lose weight, as I discovered myself.

People want a canned, easy solution. But there isn’t one. Never will be. To lose weight, eat less than you burn, but doing so depends on knowing yourself very well, how your body works, and adjusting to its needs and pursuing what’s working and rejecting what isn’t. A tall order, but better than losing limbs to diabetes or death from a heart attack at 60.

Mar 17

Every All

I’ve been completely astounded lately by the liberal “censor everything, report on nothing” approach to the Christchurch massacre. What do they believe this will achieve? It seems that my side has a really distorted understanding of the way the current media environment works, the way idea transmission works, and how best to contextualize such events.

Sticking your head in the sand and hoping for the best seems like one of the worst possible approaches.

I’m not saying that the shooter’s idiot manifesto should be posted everywhere, but examining why events happens, their causes, the ideas behind them, seems pretty valuable to me. Otherwise, there is no method of preventing such events, and no understanding of their etiology.

Mar 17

Containment Policy

Exactly. I don’t think the establishment and the dying Boomers are going to be able to contain that righteous and justified animosity for much longer.

The only reason I wish the Boomers would live longer is so that they could at least suffer a little bit (even if just mentally if not materially) when people like AOC and the young climate change marchers destroy their repugnant and baleful heritage and grind their leavings and legacy into the dust of a contemptible history.