Mar 14

Ex Spurts

This is great example of why you absolutely cannot trust experts.

This guy is using his expertise to obfuscate and to walk right up to the line of prevarication without quite crossing it. He claims the automated Boeing MCAS system just modifies pitch trim. But this if the system is working as expected (no sensor failure). This is where the dissimulating begins and it doesn’t stop there.

The point about “triply redundant” is another attempt (in an article full of examples) to use expertise to mislead. The system is not triply redundant as most would define that. It can behave unpredictably with only one sensor failure. Even Boeing has acknowledged this fact, and that pilots were not trained on the new system behavior.

I suspect this article was sponsored by Boeing. A long-time airline and aircraft manufacturer strategy has been to blame pilots for system failures. I said when the Lion Air 737 MAX 8 crashed that is what would happen, and here you can see it. Even if the article wasn’t directly sponsored by some Boeing entity, you can bet this dude is expecting (and will get) some sort of quid pro quo for this attempt to resuscitate the image of a badly-designed and dangerous system.

This is why I 100% do not trust experts.

Mar 13

Ivy Poison

The first time I was around more than a few Ivy League types, I was excited! I thought, Finally, around my people…smart people who can hold a conversation about anything.

I was so, so wrong. So very wrong. I thought most Ivy Leaguers, in my ignorance, would be like Will Hunting. They were more like a Will Ferrell character. Not all of them, to be sure. A few had little sputtering candles of intelligence, though no what I now call systems thinking abilities to speak of.

But I was so disappointed. Truly I was. This was when I was 24 or so and working at a company with a bunch of highfalutin types. I didn’t really have any idea then that the Ivy League and its near-proxies consisted primarily of three classes: 1) legacy mediocrities; 2) those who were good at memorizing textbooks with loads of ambition and no lives who only knew what was in those textbooks; 3) near-autistic STEM types who were ridiculously talented at one tiny area but could otherwise not tie their own shoes.

I should have guessed from my experiences in so-called gifted classes, but as I said, like Fox Mulder, I wanted to believe.

Mar 13

The Problem At Core

The problem with going through life weak, fat and stupid isn’t that you fail to impress other people (what most people care about) it is that you are weak, fat and stupid.

I’d avoid these ends on principle even if I were the only human on the planet.

Mar 13


I could never reproduce as I can barely put up with the boring, inane, repetitive and pointless thoughts that crop up in my own head, and they are mine.

It’s certain that I could not tolerate that from someone else, even if they were my own kid.

Mar 13

Cheating? SOP

The surprising thing about the college admissions cheating and bribery scandal is how unsurprising it is. Everyone just assumed it already was that way — and we were right.

Mar 12


My partner did her first pull-up the other day.

So for those who claim women can’t do pull-ups: wrong. I am extremely proud of her and she put in the effort and got there in just a few months. Soon, she’ll be doing more.

(She also has a good personal trainer. Hey, don’t I get to take some credit?)

Mar 12


I like her because she is not afraid to lay the smack down.

Perhaps someone from the SV tech industry designed that Boeing MCAS atrocity on the 737 MAX 8….

Mar 12

F It

All ya’ll against space exploration and space tech, we’re going to have to get a lot better at it because guess what, we’re gonna have some geoengineering to do.

No, I don’t think it’s a good idea but we’ll probably have no alternative. So rev up the Falcon 9 Heavies and the SLSes. We’ll be needing those, and soon.

Mar 12

Impeachy Keen

I am absolutely not for impeaching Trump because then we’d have Pence. So far, Trump has started no new wars and that already makes him superior to Bush II and Obama. If he continues that trend, let him ride the term out in his louche incompetence.

No, I am not a Trump supporter. But I am also not a dumbass.