Mar 11

Stats and Avoidance

How to know if you’re booked on a 737 MAX 8.

Pertinent info is at the bottom of the article.

I am not very good at math, so take this as you will, but going by the in-service time and crash rate vs. the in-service time and crash rate of other similar jets, your chance of death on a 737 MAX 8 is somewhere around 1,000 times (yep, 1,000x) higher than any other modern passenger aircraft.

Aircraft these days, however, are remarkably safe so even an increase of chance of mortality by 1,000x means that your chance of death even flying once in the 737 MAX 8 is still only around 0.01% or 1/100th of one percent (I am assuming a 100% percent death rate here, which is what has occurred so far with this particular plane). That is 0.0001 in decimal form for clarity.

Note that two crashes of the same jet isn’t really enough to establish any sort of statistical validity, etc., this was a just for (morbid) fun calculation.

Mar 11

Places Never to Live

San Fransciso is one of them:

Mar 11


“We now have the tools to grasp the collision in all of its destructive complexity: what is unbearable is that economic and social inequalities have reverted to the preindustrial ‘feudal’ pattern but that we, the people, have not. We are not illiterate peasants, serfs, or slaves. Whether ‘middle class’ or ‘marginalized,’ we share the collective historical condition of individualized persons with complex social experiences and opinions. We are hundreds of millions or even billions of second-modernity people whom history has freed both from the once-immutable facts of a destiny told at birth and from the conditions of mass society. We know ourselves to be worthy of dignity and the opportunity to live an effective life. This is existential toothpaste that, once liberated, cannot be squeezed back into the tube. Like a detonation’s rippling sound waves of destruction, the reverberations of pain and anger that have come to define our era arise from this poisonous collision between inequality’s facts and inequality’s feeling.”

-Shoshana Zuboff in The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

Mar 11


When I started deadlifting again, doing even 150×10, it’d feel like I was hit by a convoy of buses the next day. Now doing 300×10 I am barely sore. It feels like a Mini Cooper attempted to hit me, and I then defeated it in single combat.

Amazing how the body adapts, and how quickly, too.

Mainly I have problems with the FA movement because it harms children and became the Fat Celebration movement and then proceeded to harm everyone else. But it’s also just not that hard, given the consequences of not doing so, to change your life enough where it matters.

No one needs to work out like I do. Most people can’t; they’d be in the hospital. But even doing 30 minutes three times a week you’ll still see 50% of the benefits I see while spending a quarter the time that I do (because I am attempting to optimize the curve of diminising returns).

I know I sound like an evangelist but mainly because I wish I’d started back at it earlier.

Mar 11

So Easy

So easy:

Margaret Atwood
Kate Miller-Heidke
Nancy Cartwright
Limor Fried
Ayah Bdeir
Gwynne Shotwell
Karyn Kusama
Sarah Polley
Emily Lakdawalla
Grace VanDerWaal
Tiera Guinn
Sara Seager
Emma González
Maya Lin
Susan Solomon
Valentina Tereshkova
Naomi Wu
Lisa Randall

Ok, I tried to limit myself by only listing currently-living women but this is getting out of hand. I could add a few dozen more. But why is that challenge hard for most men? That I do not know.

Mar 10


Boeing 737 MAX-8 Makes History With Ethiopian Airlines And Lion Air Crashes.

That’s because this aircraft has a “crash into the ground” feature. This is an inadvisable feature to have in a jet.

It’s a system called MCAS that with but one (!) sensor failure, the horizontal stabilizer is automatically adjusted to pitch the nose down repeatedly with a fairly-complicated procedure being required to halt this behavior. I am not aware of any other feature in any other modern commercial airliner where only one (again: !!) sensor failure can cause low-altitude flight into terrain.

I am not a pilot, but I have read a whole lot about airliners, including their flight manuals, and if there is such a consequential and dangerous non-redundant and unverified (by other sensors) feature I’ve never heard of it nor read about it. I don’t believe it exists except in this new aircraft.

I’d advise anyone not to fly in this jet until the issue is resolved.

Mar 10


Did 10×300 on the deadlift earlier. That’s the first time I’ve ever been able to do that many reps at that weight. It wasn’t even that hard, which means I am doing well. Next time, maybe try to break my personal record on that lift.

I feel so much better than I did six months ago. Not surprised about how much stronger I am getting. I knew that would happen, given the work. What I am a bit startled by is how much it has improved my cognitive abilities. That was unexpected but very welcome.

Mar 10

Funny That

Ever notice how the definition of being yourself (including all of those analogues promoted by conservatism, liberalism, and feminism) promote the ends of capitalism utterly? Consume, get massively fatter, pursue a dream job, buy a house, buy a car…buy, buy, buy, consume more and yet more. Funny that, isn’t it?

Being myself has nothing to do with capitalism or any of its goals. My ambition is to get away from all of that psychologically and physically. This is not wholly possible as neolib capitalism has subsumed all of society and civilization on the way to destroying it, but it’s still a worthy target.

Mar 10


The problem with generation ships traveling to near stars at 1/10 the speed of light is that even if the first generation volunteers, those subsequently born did not. This makes them inherently unethical.

Not that we won’t send a few; I suspect doing so is inevitable, in time, despite our aversion to exploration these days. They are, though, hard to argue for on the grounds I mentioned above.