Jul 18


A lot of modern feminism wants women to simultaneously be treated as tiny little children and as flawless all-powerful goddesses. And those two things ain’t even remotely fucking compatible.

You can’t have your Barney the Dinosaur birthday cake and eat it too.

Jul 18

Victim Allowance

I think that is exactly right that traditional and feminist thought conflates women with children. That’s why the insane discourse that women can’t really consent until they are 35+, but a man is liable for anything even if he’s still underage (and thus, not yet a man). Double standards that should not be.

Jul 17

Enough Good

Anything I write myself is a great deal better than anything that AI can generate.

However, anything AI synthesizes is better than what 99.5% of people can put together. And that’s why it’s taking over the world. AI does not have to be good; it just has to be good enough.

Jul 17


I hate how books in a series don’t show which number of the series they are anymore.

This has long been the case. My mom was reading some book when I was a kid that she said was really hard to understand. Later on, she realized it was the third book in a trilogy. Nowhere was this even alluded to anywhere on the book itself.

I believe it’s a deliberately-deceptive practice that just continues to this day. The above incident would’ve been around 1984-1986.

Jul 17

Tickety Boo

The New Pornographers.

I’ve never used TikTok. Never will. Too large a cognitohazard. I’ve seen vids from it re-posted on Reddit and watched a mid-20s friend of mine scroll through it over her shoulder. I said, “This seems like absolute hell.”

She said, “Yes, but it’s a very addictive hell.”

No thank you. Not for me.

Jul 17

Gap Clears

If I had a daughter, I would not care if she was in an age gap relationship. Even a large one (15+ years). But I’d be worried if she were to date someone much smarter or much dumber than she was.

(I wrote “daughter” since everyone seems to think it’s fine if a 52-year-old woman is with a 20-year-old man, etc.)

Jul 17

Core Issue

Wisdom and intelligence have shockingly little to do with one another. Sometimes, I think they might be inversely correlated.