Jul 17

Core Issue

Wisdom and intelligence have shockingly little to do with one another. Sometimes, I think they might be inversely correlated.

Jul 17

Gray November

At this point, it doesn’t even matter who the Dems run. Trump has this election in the bag. Even Taylor Swift cannot save us now.

Jul 17

Bar Wars

Something I appreciate about the Star Wars world is there are not screens everywhere, nor ubiquitous surveillance despite having extremely high tech. Used to, I objected to this. But I was wrong — how we use technology (and even what tech we create) is highly dependent on culture. In our own world, we could’ve made other decisions, chosen other paths. But we did not.

That does not mean another culture would do the stupid just because we did.

Jul 16


I was also told by women several times in my youth that, “Women never cheat. It’s always men.”

Well, I am pretty smart so I immediately said, “Then who are the men cheating with? Doesn’t seem mathematically likely.” I mean, that one woman they are all getting with must be very tired. Of course that just made my interlocutors angry. Which I enjoy, don’t get me wrong.

(I grew up in rural North Florida so they were definitely talking about straight people only here.)

Jul 16

More Than Creep Pass

All men are told women never do things like the below. But of course they do — they just tend to mostly get away with it.

I’ve never known a woman quite that bad, thank the fucking gods, but have been around women who have done some pretty vile shit. Every single one of them got away with it scot-free. No man would have.

Jul 16


Remember that clown who said there are no videos of people dying on the internet? There always were, but since that idiot posted that I’ve probably watched 2,000 Russians die on the Combat Footage sub-reddit.

That’s not what I go there for, but if you watch actual combat footage that’s what you’re gonna see a lot of.

Jul 16


D427 Rant.

This is a very hard class. It’s the only one I really struggled with, though I did pass the final the first time. The key to passing this class is that you’re taking it in a real, full MySQL environment. Therefore, the help command is available. If there is some command you are are unsure how to use, do help and that command name and it’ll tell you how it works.

This is slow and you already have to understand how MySQL works well for the help system to be fast enough to be useful, but it got me through at least three questions where I could not recall the correct syntax.

But knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do is also part of test-taking.