Mars Bars

Why Not Mars.

This is still one of the most dumbass posts in the history of dumbassery. I just want to highlight it here as all that is wrong with current thinking about the why and how of doing difficult things. And that it’s absolute knobs like this clown who were saying 10 or 15 years ago that solar power was “impossible” and would never pencil out, etc.

If you listen to doofusy disphits like this dingbat you would never do anything.


Facebook partner admits to eavesdropping on conversations via phone mics for ad targeting.

Remember when we were absolutely assured this was not happening, and were told we were conspiracy theorists if we claimed it was occurring? Well, about that….

Of fucking course this eavesdropping was happening. I saw direct evidence of it myself several times as a friend would talk about something and then her phone showed ads for it not long after.

The Network

Preach it, brother! Seriously, a lot of my IT knowledge does come from spending vast, vast amounts of time proving it’s not the network causing issues, but rather someone’s poorly-written code, poorly-designed application, or other completely non-network issue.

I’d estimate I’ve spent a solid six months of my entire life doing just that alone.


Yeah, seeing that lately has made me laugh. But I think a lot of FA types do believe you diet for a few months and then are done. Not the way it actually works, though. Which is of course why they fail at it. I’ve been working out for six years straight now. If I stopped, I’d lose 80% of my strength gains within six months.

Such is life.


What School Didnโ€™t Teach Us: You Need to Lose Control.

While I don’t agree with Kat that this needs to be done with the aid of alcohol, sure, it can be. And her thesis is absolutely correct.

This is a generation that is both highly conflict-averse and virtually allergic to risk, particularly when it comes to markers of autonomous adulthood like driving, working, or sex. The bosses of Gen Z employees report that they canโ€™t make eye contact, take criticism, or even ask questions when they donโ€™t know how to do something. The post-work drink is dead, apparently, thanks to young workers who prefer boundaries to bonding.

I remember when dipshit Alice Goldfuss wrote some clown-ass crap about why did people go to bars when they could just drink the same thing at home for much cheaper. Because, you fucking doofus, people go to bars to be social, to hang out in a neutral place with their friends, to see what the night brings. I’m not really all that social and even I can understand that1.

One time, I went to a bar with some friends (and I barely drink) and I wound up sitting at the bar chatting with a minor TV actress and Charles Fuckin’ Barkley. Now do you think that would’ve happened if I’d stayed at home? Hell to the no, y’all. Serendipity can be pretty fun sometimes.

Too many people are much too concerned with building boundaries and walls before they even know what they want, what would be good for them, or how to handle life. They read Robert Frost’s “Mending Wall” completely the opposite of what he intended.

Gen Z can’t handle shit because they never do anything, never take any risks. Miserable prudes.

  1. In some ways, it’s not fair to pick on her as Covid caused her to go nuts. But I can’t help it. Don’t go harassing her, people. She’s just small-minded, afraid, pitiable and pitiful.

Green to Red

What is something good you made/did that got you in trouble?

When I was working at a fairly large hosting provider, I was on a team that discovered that our reporting tool was showing that backups were occurring that actually hadn’t been done recently, or in some cases had never been taken. Meaning that some customer systems had no backups at all, and for some the last successful one had been completed months or years ago (supposed to be done nightly).

I fixed the inaccurate reporting and this turned our main monitoring dashboard from all green to have a whole lot of red as it then correctly reflected that backups were in a terrible state.

Got blamed for “making us look bad” and “putting a lot of work on a lot of people” because the reporting had been made to reflect reality.

The clown manager who spouted off about a lot of work on a lot of people wasn’t even correct as I personally fixed most of the issues. Because I scripted it, but also because I had more experience with more OSes than anyone else.

So that was fun.

Stable Bull

Sorry to bring this back up again, but this idiot’s take on the whole affair is clownishly fucking moronic:

The problem is that she’s saying SHE SETTLED FOR HIM. That he’s not hot enough to be a hookup, but he’ll do for stability’s sake. No one, man or woman, wants to hear that. If my partner didn’t think I was super hot (and vice versa), I’d want to break up because I’d be doing her and myself a huge, huge disservice. What she said was clearly not awkward wording and if it was, it was the most backhanded “compliment” in recorded history. Seriously, with a backhand that good she should play pro tennis.

Ok, since a lot of you are dense, think about it this way. One time I lost my partner in the grocery store. Went to seek her out. Got distracted looking at other crap there, my mind wandered, and as I was gazing down an aisle completely zoned out I saw a woman and thought, Wow, whoever is with her is lucky. She’s just gorgeous. And then my brain engaged again and I realized IT WAS MY PARTNER. Yay, the lucky guy was ME! WOOHOO!

If you don’t feel that way about whoever you’re currently with, you’re with the wrong fucking person. Simple as that. And it’s clear that she in fact does not feel that way about him. Why is that so hard for people (mostly women, but not all) to understand?


At the time, I thought shooting all the people who invaded the Capitol Building on January 6 was the correct response1. In prior times, it’s what would’ve been done to a hostile force attempting to violently take over the most important government building in the country. That level of fierce response would’ve been justified and unquestionably correct2.

But I was wrong about that. Allowing the mob to beclown themselves as they did was far better. There wasn’t a martyrdom event, therefore. They just looked like fools and dimwits, dressed in doofy clothes, stealing laptops and putting their feet up on desks. My way, though the “correct” response, would’ve been hugely counterproductive to the republic as a whole. The Jan. 6 rioters lost vastly more support with how stupid they looked and that was probably worth allowing them all not to get peppered with rounds from MP5s.

So I was wrong. It does happen, though not often. And I admit it when I am.

Shape of the Possible

For some reason I can’t stop thinking about how often people on Reddit (and other places) are fervently insistent that things are “impossible” that have already been occurring for years. I can’t help but feel that has some sort of meaning, is some sort of indicator of both a disconnection from reality and that it’s just difficult to stay apprised of what’s occurring in such a rapidly-changing world.

It’s mystifying that those types are so insistent about it when it’d take all of two minutes of research to show that that they are wrong. For instance, it’s a common Reddit trope to declare that voice cloning is impossible or that it takes an enormous quantity of samples. But I went to Speechify, gave it 30 seconds of a sample reading and it cloned my voice 95% accurately. It’d pass just fine over a crappy cell phone and anyone would be fooled.

I just am having trouble getting past the fact that things that are now trivially easy so many people are strangely rabid about their impossibility.

One Two

My hope is that Harris will trump Trump by enough of a margin that the highly-likely coup attempt will fizzle. We have more important shit to do than defend the republic against the divorced dads/incel brigade. We must get ready for probable war with China and likely war with Russia while dealing with climate change.

And that is quite enough, thank you.