It’s a small joy when you read something terrible by someone then see a picture of the writer and they have the stupidest haircut in world history.
Low Bar
Sometimes, recruiters take a glance at my rรฉsumรฉ, just for kicks. And sometimes, they don’t even try:
But with ChatGPT, anyone can be an attorney these days! Though I’m not sure what I’ll say when I’m in front of the judge and they ask me about the precedent I cited from Elmer Fudd v. Bugs Bunny. But hey, I can’t be disbarred if I was never barred in the first place!
Come on ChatGPT, let’s do this.
You are under “Virtual Arrest”!
Oh noes! Then I will do virtually nothing.
But I will laugh a lot if anyone attempts this shit on me.
Scalzi Brigade
Did not expect the left to so quickly switch to full copyright maximalism. They turned on a damn dime. Still wrong, no matter which side believes stupid shit.
On Staying
I hate when people write “bare with me” instead of “bear with me.” I’m quite comfy, thanks. I’m not a prude but my clothes are staying on.
Ladderal Move
I’ve had enough! I’m done with this life!
People on r/scams crack me up sometimes.
At least they’re checking I guess, but they can get an email from “” that links to a website called and then post, “I got this email. Is it a scam? I can’t tell for sure.”
Hmm, I wonder.
I want to listen to a band called “Inadequate Transversal Mechanism.” I bet they’d be good.
Lake Ontario Is
Not sure why the bottom is cut off, but that’s the way I found it.
And this would be a better set of first date questions than most I’ve been on, for sure. The most fuckable Great Lake is definitely Lake Ontario, though. It’s half-Canadian, so it has a slight hint of exoticism, but it’s still safe (won’t steal your car, will say “sorry” a lot).
Here’s a good song and video about the vapidity of first date conversations (en Franรงais):
I need a damn Beowulf cluster for all the tabs in all the browsers I have open. No browser can handle my voracity for information. They all fall over on their pitiful asses. I need more powah.
I love making recruiters Big Mad when they email me some busted-ass in-office position and I tell them that because I am very awesome, I will accept only remote roles pitched at me. They get all twisted up because they know I’m juicy and have rare certs/skills and they want to land me. I’m a big fish these days for those types.
That said, I’m not actually looking for a job but like fucking around with the jackals. It’s amusing at times. And one day, some company will call my bluff and offer me some insane pay package with full WFH and I’ll take it.
But till then…let the games continue.
Why the fuck do I have dreams in languages I am actually not that good at speaking? Cool, cool, let’s have a dream with me speaking Spanish poorly. Thanks, brain, that was fun.