The Cultural Apostate.
I say this as a confirmed grumpy jerk-ass: this guy sounds like real doofball. Just a terrible person to know and to be around. If I’m the death of the party, this dude is the apocalypse of all parties past, future and present.
Cool, dude, it’s great that you don’t like anything at all but a banjo (?) and penning overwrought articles about how very superior you are to anyone who likes anything. I can’t believe I wasted my time reading this turd but I am going to warn everyone else against it, at least: avoid at all costs.
It sucks that he seems to have decided that nothing will be permitted to move him again, that he is apart from the world and that anything that attempts some artfulness is “pandering,” but good god I did not need to read a thousand words about it.
Just go do banjo stuff. You’re not an apostate or an iconoclast. Just an assclown.