Try as I might, I never have and still do not see what’s so special about Bob Dylan. His appeal is completely lost on me, both musically and as a celebrity apart from that.
I feel like Dylan about some people do about Taylor Swift, I guess.
Try as I might, I never have and still do not see what’s so special about Bob Dylan. His appeal is completely lost on me, both musically and as a celebrity apart from that.
I feel like Dylan about some people do about Taylor Swift, I guess.
I listened to all or part of 409 new (to me) songs this morning.
Of those, I liked 20.
TIFU by calling my girlfriend’s music taste ”basic.”
Playing music out loud in a pricy restaurant on a phone is a huge red flag. It’s good she kicked him to the curb — for his sake.
That said, never insult anyone’s taste in music. It can only go wrong…and just, why? It’s pointless. Everyone has to start somewhere. And not everyone is going to be the kind of listener you are or care about music at all. I’ve known several people who just didn’t listen to music at all. Any kind. Ever.
Hell, all y’all can see how broad my tastes are and because I don’t listen to full albums “true” music aficionados have called me basic and unrefined in the past.
Referring to anything by Taylor Swift as “underground,” though, is pure crazy. That part made me laugh.
I listened to part or all of 262 new (to me) songs tonight/this morning.
Of those, I liked 16.
I barely have a dog in this fight as I do not listen to albums and pretty much never have. In fact, I think I have only listened to (maybe) three of those albums in their entirety, though I’ve heard songs from all of them.
Albums to me have always felt a bit outmoded; I just do not consume music that way and never have. It’s all about the song for me.
Blu DeTiger, you’ve fucking ruined me. I kind of hate you now. ๐
Now when I listen to any other song with a bassline, I think, I wish Blu were playing this; she’d sound better. Ugh she is so embarrassingly good.
I listened to all or part of 391 new (to me) songs tonight/this morning.
Of those, I liked 23.
Anyone who says there isn’t any good music made anymore: LOL, y’all stupid.
There’s plenty. You just are too lazy to find it.
ZZ Top is not a band exactly known for being poets, but I think these verses are pretty damn fine; it’s like if Milton were alive now with all his bombast and glorious overreach:
Well, I was movin’ down the road
In my V-8 Ford
I had my boots shined up
And my sideburns loweredWith my New York brim
With my gold tooth displayed
Nobody give me trouble
‘Cause they know I got it made
That’s from “I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide” of course. Though I was listening to the Dwight Yoakam version. It paints a vivid picture in very few words — and that is exactly what writing at its best should do.
I listened to all or part of 223 new (to me) songs this morning.
Of those, I liked 14.
Tamsyn Muir’s Locked Tomb series would’ve been vastly better if it’d resembled in novel form Lingua Ignota’s “Faithful Servant Friend of Christ.”
Now that I coulda worked with.
The definitive Retail Hell playlist.
I like eight of those songs, though none of them I’d want to hear 20 times a day while working retail.