
It’s kind of funny that if we got really rich, we’d probably live in a smaller house than we do now.

Since we’re not quite well off enough to just decide to build a house* (especially since we don’t know where we really want to live), we end up with larger-than-necessary houses so that we have one room big enough to be our office room that is not also the living room. This almost always means a three bedroom home, which is if designed properly totally unnecessary for us.

In a house we designed and had built, none of these compromises would apply.

Even if we were billionaires, I doubt we’ve live in a house more than 1500 square feet. I don’t want cleaning staff. I don’t want strangers in my house ever. I don’t want cooks or chefs or attendants or servants, no matter how rich I am.

So now we actually have to pay for a bigger house than we need because we aren’t yet ready to build our own.

*Building a custom house from scratch (not from a template or pasted together from templates) is around 3-10X as much as selecting one from, say, a Toll Brothers catalog.