All Peeps

All the people who do nothing while working from home are the same ones who do not a goddamn thing in the office as well. It’s just that there, they are better at hiding their lassitude by gladhanding, ass-kissing and faking being busy.

A lot of managers just crave a false sense of control. In my experience, a crap worker is a crap worker anywhere. The noisy extroverts, though, hide it better.


FYI China could (and likely will) be able to do this in war with many of our devices.

Those explosions if it’s not obvious are not trivial, either.


I’ve watched dozens of videos of Russian BMPs in active combat and most of them never even fire their main gun. Know why? Because they have no ammo. Sure, Russia might “win” on sheer numbers, but only after losing a million or more people.

So much for that three-day limited Special Military Operation that Ian Welsh and Putin (blood brothers) insisted would be a cakewalk. That anyone listens to that clown anymore is sad and inexplicable.

Which exact clown am I talking about in that last sentence? Does it matter?


I am so fucking glad no one can ever make me go into an office again. I have a combination of skills and certs that maybe 0.0001% of my peers have to my level, and that means I can demand a lot of things. So I will and I do.

And my expenses are only about $800 per month. Can’t nobody make me do shit. I spent my life doing smart enough things to get to this point. Many, many people said I could not get here, yet here I am.

Bully for me!