Bad Boyfriend

A Progressive Writer Was a Bad Boyfriend. And Then He Was Fired for It. (I found this at Clarissa’s Blog.)

According to this definition of “grooming,” literally every woman I’ve ever dated has “groomed” me and vice versa.

Also, I am strongly against portraying women as mentally frail, weak-willed and in constant need of male praise and validation, as the Jezebel piece does. Anyone, do you think this benefits women? If so, why? I need to understand. I really need to.

I am so very glad I did most of my, for lack of a better word, courting in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s before social media really amounted to much. If some of my love notes from the 1990s survived, as tame as they were, I’d never have another job again.

It was inevitable that #metoo would be used this way, of course. Time to go by mob rules: only say anything in a noisy restaurant with no recording devices present, and then all else is done by lawyers. If you must have sex, a legal waiver comes out, and a recording held in escrow is made that is destroyed when the relationship is dissolved.