She’s The One

When I watch videos like this, I am thankful for how great my current partner is in comparison. Because in all my other prior relationships, the problems she’s talking about have occurred.

Women love the, “If you were a real man, you would (insert something insane or demeaning here)” line. My current partner has never said or even implied anything like that. Women often have more toxic masculinity immanent than men they accuse of same is what I’ve noticed.

As always with things aimed at the so-called “manosphere” (of which I am not a part), I don’t agree with all of it, but I think she makes one particularly important point: Women often claim they do a lot of “emotional labor.” I think this is mostly bullshit. Many women don’t even believe men have emotions and if they do, they should suppress them wholly. For example women in the past I’ve been with spent hours a week trauma-dumping and I (and millions of other men) are expected to listen to this and react appropriately.

But the moment you even hint that you’re having a hard time or something didn’t go your way and it made you sad or uspet, the reaction of these same women is often, “Man up and fix your own shit!” Or, “I’m not here for a weak man.” Or they just lose all attraction to you. Like, you can literally see it drain out of their eyes.

Men know it’s mostly them who do most of the emotional labor in most relationships. It’s just that men having any emotions is seen by most women as “emotional labor.” Sucks.

2 thoughts on “She’s The One

  1. People who follow and believe in traditional gender roles* get very performative about their emotions whether it’s suppressing them or over expressing certain emotions. It’s irritating. It’s exhausting. I agree, all of that is emotional labor.
    *This is way more than people will admit to. So many feminists counsel women to behave exactly as old school gender norms suggest.

    • I think gender roles definitely need a good re-vamp, just not quite in the ways that the trans-is-all-that-matters people would prefer.

      You’re right about the emotional performance aspect.

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