
The open road beckons. Safe driving is essential.

Amazing driving. She’s a badass. I love how calm she is; she’s definitely on my assassin team.

Maybe she should’ve braked more quickly but who knows what was going on behind her and there just wasn’t a lot of time. That hit looks almost intentional (on the part of the Suburban) and it also brakes pretty hard as it’s encroaching into her lane, making it even more difficult to avoid. But she:

1) Maintains control of her own vehicle in a very demanding driving situation.

2) Avoids with some just stupendous maneuvering1 a second hit on the vehicle that struck her.

3) Gets out of the danger area and stops safely.

Almost no one could do better. Next-level skills there.

She also has a cute shirt.

  1. Watch her arms as they move the (not visible) steering wheel and the g forces throwing her around.

All I Need is This Lamp

I like the mood lighting I have going on near my desk now. The lamp can do regular lighting colors too, but I’ve been leaving it like that as bias lighting. I can actually read better with it that way1.

The remote for the lamp is confusing as all hell, but I like the lamp itself. And that’s straight out of the phone — no manipulation or alteration (other than the phone doing what it does, since it was not shot in raw).

  1. I also have more neutral bias lighting behind my main monitor.

Pissing off MBAs

In the work world, I’m a unicorn. And companies are often looking for people like me. However, when against all odds they do find one it still causes them to get all pissy because as a unicorn, I can and do demand a high wage, more vacation time than normal, etc. Like, dude, you found your unicorn and now you gotta payyyyyyy. What did you expect?

But they want it both ways, of course — someone with an unusual suite of skills and who will accept being compensated as poorly as the 19-year-old intern.

As a unicorn, though, I can just trot into the next meadow. That’s what makes it so much fun.


Indeed, it does work well. I am the same. People do tend to find this rare personality type extremely confusing. (And no, I am not just guessing; a Big 5 personality assessment showed this as my type very clearly.)

Basically, I am an ornery, disagreeable fucker who will try just about anything to see if I like it and go just about anywhere.