
Anyone who supports Russia in the war against Ukraine is a moral monster and really should go over and participate in one of Putin’s meat waves.

Those are also the same ignoramuses who believe sinking a civilian ship is fine, but it’s a war crime to attack enemy troops with legal weapons. Not only are they morally repugnant, they are really fucking dumb. Terrible combination.


This, however, was an actual war crime committed by Russia. These deaths were the result of a deliberate and targeted missile attack on a non-military civilian residential target 100km from the front with a guided missile — meaning it was intentional.

So now you fucking clowns know the difference.

War Vibes

And shooting retreating soldiers isn’t a war crime either. If they’re not surrendering, they are valid targets. What is a war crime is not based on vibes or feelings; it has an actual definition.

Also, yes, I would say that about Russians. Though I very much hope Ukraine prevails so we do not have to fight in Poland or the Baltics in 2032, the Russian army would be fucking foolish not to shoot retreating Ukrainian soldiers right in the back. As already noted, that is not and never has been a war crime. It is simply how war is conducted if one wants to win.

People get angry that words have meanings and that what’s true or not is not just based on vague notions of propriety picked up from TikTok. Too bad for them.


Russian assaults are all so disorganized. I do wonder, though, in the era of drones and ubiquitous battlefield surveillance, would more organization even matter? Not without good EW I guess.

In the future, the army with the most drones that are the least jammable wins….


FYI China could (and likely will) be able to do this in war with many of our devices.

Those explosions if it’s not obvious are not trivial, either.


I’ve watched dozens of videos of Russian BMPs in active combat and most of them never even fire their main gun. Know why? Because they have no ammo. Sure, Russia might “win” on sheer numbers, but only after losing a million or more people.

So much for that three-day limited Special Military Operation that Ian Welsh and Putin (blood brothers) insisted would be a cakewalk. That anyone listens to that clown anymore is sad and inexplicable.

Which exact clown am I talking about in that last sentence? Does it matter?


I don’t usually embed Twitter stuff as who knows when it will disappear (just take too-large screenshots), but that is hella precise. It says “airstrike” but with what? I know the Ukrainians probably won’t release that but the explosion was fairly contained and had no pyro at all. My guess is that it was a bunker-penetrating bomb with minimal explosive yield to bring the building down but not do a lot of collateral damage.

But nice strike. Wonder what platform that came off of.

Putin Worship

I find many people’s views on Russia and Ukraine terribly naรฏve and vile. Alas, many of these people are ones I formerly liked and respected.

It’s a terrible thing to realize that those you formerly appreciated as thoughtful and empathetic are just fine with the genocide of Ukrainians and the high likelihood of Russian invasion of Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. And then the concomitant multiple scores of thousands of deaths of US citizens as we will be fighting in those countries too.

I cannot say I understand and frankly, I do not wish to.

New Newfoundland

I’ve seen more than one person arguing that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is justified because Russia thinks that the Ukrainians are actually Russians1.

I think that Canadians are really Americans with worse haircuts and food. Ergo, that means we should invade Canada and correct their Tim Hortons- and poutine-worshipping ways.

See how insane that sounds?

  1. Which isn’t even really true, but let’s say it is for the sake of argument here.